Doing our bit to help fight the climate crisis

The Carbon Capture Scheme

It’s something we can’t shout about enough here at RNB Group and that’s Woodland Carbon. It’s a unique scheme created by Premier Paper and The Woodland Trust, which helps companies in the UK to reduce their carbon footprint through the simple act of ordering paper.

Here’s how it works. For every tonne of paper we order through Premier Paper, we pay the Woodland Trust £8.50. This contribution goes towards the replanting of trees on land acquired for this purpose.

This new woodland harnesses nature’s simple and powerful way of removing carbon dioxide from the environment. 

It really is a fantastic initiative we’re proud to be a part of. We even get regular updates so we know the exact impact our contribution has on capturing carbon. 

Since we joined the scheme back in June 2015 we’ve…


  • Purchased 2,035 tonnes of paper

  • Contributed an estimated £17,297

  • Created 28,540.88 sq metres of new native woodland

  • Captured 1141.635 tonnes of CO2*

*Figures correct at January 2020

Planting trees to capture carbon

Planting trees is one of the biggest and cheapest ways of taking CO2 out of the atmosphere to tackle the climate crisis. As trees grow, they absorb and store the carbon dioxide emissions that are driving global warming. 

The Committee on Climate Change stated that in 2018, the UK planted 13,400 hectares of woodland. To tackle climate change the Committee recommend that 30,000 hectares be planted every year! 

But The Woodland Trust are working tirelessly to increase that figure and help meet that quota. The organisation based in the UK plant woods and trees to combat climate change, build a greener future and create havens for wildlife. 

They’ve planted a staggering 43 million trees since 1972 and continue on their mission to capture carbon with the help of others. 

To find out how to take part in planting some trees visit the Woodland Trust’s site.

Source: The Guardian, The Woodland Trust, The Independent

Tree Planting Day

Last November we were kindly invited along to a tree planting day organised by Premier Paper and the Woodland Trust.

It was a brilliant opportunity for some of us to throw on our wellies and get stuck in by physically plant some of those trees that our contribution helps to fund.

On that day an incredible 13,000 saplings were planted! You can read all about it here. 

In 2020 we’ll be continuing to proudly wave the flag for carbon capture. Will you be joining us?




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